Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I guess I should have no expectations. But I do. Some things I just count on. But students don't seem to be expected to do anything. When I was a teacher, I was told by the administration not to expect students to complete homework. Now that I'm a professor, I'm told not to expect students to read the policies that explain what they need to complete. I'm also told not to expect students to submit their work on time... or to submit their work to the right place... or in the right format... or even the right assignment. But yet... I'm expected to be lenient and understanding about their circumstances. They have lives, you know. They're busy, so they didn't have time to read everything that gave them clear instructions on what they were supposed to do. Well folks, I expect adults can read, take the requisite 1 minute it takes to read the week's assignment box that explains what's due and where to submit it and just submit the right thing to the right place. I won't budge on that. You know why? Because if I can't expect my adult students to follow those simple instructions, how do you expect them to get their children to follow similar instructions in school? What kind of society are we raising and educating?